Did drop to three milligrams last night but awkwardly.
Took one milligram at 1030 or so. A drop of .5 milligrams, but woke at three and couldn’t get back to sleep. So took .5 milligrams I had at bedside and went to sleep round four.
But, then, to keep it at three milligrams for the day, I had to take only .5 at seven or so, instead of my usual 1 milligram.
Anyhow so far I have kept it to three under trying conditions.
Very hot last night, so hot we had to keep open windows and blinds to get some air. It was well over 80 at ten PM. And very humid.
The heat, they say, will persist at least through Sunday, and then the possibility of rain. Hard to believe…but after that persistently high temperatures 10 to 15 days out.
Did 1.25 hours on machine, swam .5 miles in about 35 minutes. Estimate about 800 calories used up.
Two substantial dumps. Must remember to take probiotics, especially since I am now out of figs.
I have a bad canker sore. Not chancre sore, since that is the beginning of syphilis.
It’s Friday so we went to Costco…for weekly shop.
Did a bit of EMDR yesterday….and am not sure if it had effect on fatigue level…hard to know with this heat.