Having gone up to six milligrams of valium, I slept longer though not better. I felt terrible most of the morning. Just dragging my ass.
Did go to club.
20 on recumbent; thirty on elliptical. .5 mile swim using leg buoy. First time I have done that. But I need to do something to relieve pressure from shoulders or I will end up ruining what the operations repaired.
I have felt so miserable at moments today I am not sure if I will make any changes tonight.
If I do I will drop .5 tablespoon….and maybe I should do that soon since C goes to a conference week after next and I don’t think I will want to go through a transition while she is gone. This way I can make the transition, get used to it, and sit our her trip before lowering again.
No news today from SC. But will be online with the crew tomorrow at 10:30.