Whap! Wham! Ka-Pow!


I am done in.
At the moment it’s 90 outside and 87 inside.
As I said we have no AC.
Last night we were both up and sweating around 2 am.  It was about 85 at 9 pm.  
We have at least another day of this, with a forecast that the heat will return, after a slight dip. mid week next.
I feel cursed!
Yesterday with the heat and withdrawal was just terrible.  I thought about going to a hospital or just giving up on the whole withdrawal thing.
But the decision, mentioned yesterday, to add in 1 milligram of diazepam to my withdrawal mix turned out to be a good one.  I did get a little sleep even with the heat and my overall mood was better this morning.
I do dread this coming evening and night.  I hope the diazepam works again.
I did 50 minutes on elliptical, plus .5 mile swim.

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