
I am in withdrawal.  Completely exhausted, de-realilzed, de-personalized…can’t think.
As Carol says, I am suffering; consequently to help with that I will tonight take 1 milligram of diazepam along with the klonopin.
I will continue to reduce that at the current rate, taking out 1.5 tablespoons from my water/drug mix.
It doesn’t help either that the temp outside at the moment is 89.  This is unseasonably hot and few of us…only a mile or so from the ocean–have any AC.  I sure don’t.
The whole morning I was worried I wouldn’t be able to drive to the club without some sort of incident on the road.  But I made it OK.  Just a mild anxiety attack I guess.
Did the elliptical for 50 minutes and swam .5 miles in about 30 minutes.
This whole business is a little scary….I am spaced-out, as folks used to say.

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